Are you stuck for Christmas office party ideas?

Yep, it’s that dreaded time of year again when your boss, oblivious to your overflowing workload casually walks by your desk and says “We better start thinking about the Xmas party.”
And by “we” they mean you.
Your stomach drops and your anxiety levels go through the roof, this kind of responsibility is the last thing you need right now.
Let’s not be negative, because Christmas is a wonderful time of year, but we also understand the pressure that planning and end of year party can have.
It can bring out the worst of us.
So the sooner you get the ball rolling, the better, you certainly don’t want to be leaving this until the last minute.
So get the entertainment sorted with our Open Air Photo Booth
If a photo booth is on your list of Christmas office party ideas, then start bringing that thought to life.
You can rest assured that having an Open Air Photo Booth at your Christmas party will keep your guests entertained all throughout the night and they’ll have
the evidence that they can keep for the rest of their lives that will always bring a smile to their face (even during the hangover phase).
There are so many props and backdrops to choose from, so whether you’re going for a white Xmas or more of a Winter Wonderland theme, you’re covered.
So whatever your theme, If you’d like something a little different at your Xmas party, email us at